Blackberry Network Outage

April 23rd, 2007

“Sure, I kid the BlackBerry addicts, but I do sympathize. Left to my own devices, I’d check email a hundred times a day and can still half-ruin a vacation with the constant need to “just check in.” Electronic fiddling is a lot like tobacco addiction and a lot easier to get away with nowadays.”

Merlin 43folders

Earth Day

April 22nd, 2007

Earth Day?

Local involvement = global conservation

April 22nd, 2007

Here’s a great article in The New York Times that embraces the idea of conservation on a local level to achieve global results. As you know, with the support of people like you, The Nature Conservancy works with communities to achieve lasting, measurable results and innovative solutions to conservation issues in their backyard. The Micronesian Challenge and the Caribbean Challenge as discussed in this article have inspired countries and territories in those regions to make commitments to conserve marine and forest resources. Leaders here are setting an example and using their voices to persuade other nations to join in and put conservation as a priority — we applaud them!

Read The New York Times article (you may be asked to create a free account)